Navigating the financial horizon: Takeaways from the 22nd Annual National Financial Planning Conference

Nest Wealth Objectway Group recently participated in the 22nd Annual National Conference, the premier financial planning gathering of major Canadian financial services organisations planner, technical and educational experts. Over two and a half days, we were immersed in a wealth of information through sessions, networking opportunities, and presentations from top-notch speakers on advanced financial topics, sales and practice insights.

The conference was extremely enlightening, providing valuable insights into the world of financial advisors and certified professional planners. We engaged in meaningful discussions about retirement strategies including new trends such as semi-retirement or clients never retiring at all. We also discussed the affordability landscape across Canada, the value of advice and the impact financial plans have on clients. We found that there is an incredible impact on clients both financially and psychologically when they have a financial plan in place, making them more confident about navigating these uncertain times. We also examined the potential implications of the 2024 federal budget and assessed the influence of upcoming political changes on financial markets. The 2024 federal budget had significant changes that every advisor and client should be aware of, like the capital gains inclusion rates increasing by the end of June, and an increase in withdrawal limits for first time home buyers, just to mention a few.

Throughout these discussions, one clear message resonated: achieving long-term financial security requires a comprehensive approach. That is why we had so much to share with advisors. Our mission is to empower individuals to take control of their financial futures, and we believe that having the right support and resources is essential to achieve this goal.

We’re committed to providing advisors with the tools they need to assist their clients effectively. Our collaborative approach ensures that advisors have the support and expertise necessary to address their clients’ evolving financial needs.

Now truth be told, I found myself writing this reflection from the busy St. John’s airport, where unexpected delays and cancelled flights affect thousands. Despite the unexpected turn of events, the conference’s impact resonates profoundly, underscoring the importance of adaptability and resilience in both financial planning and unforeseen circumstances.

If you have any questions about my experience or would like to discuss further, I encourage you to reach out as I am eager to discuss my experiences with you.

Dylan is our Account Executive; for Dylan’s contact details and scheduling meetings, please refer to the information provided here:

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Nest Wealth